Sunday, August 26, 2007

Home is where your heart is.

We are back in HK. It is nice to be home. We had a great time visiting the States. We were able to see a lot of friends and family. Returning to HK has been challenging at times but over all it is nice to get back settled in. Beau took me to California Pizza Kitchen the other night. It is nice to have a few comforts of home around.

Jorie, who prefers Marjorie these days, has started at her new school. ISF, if you want to see what her school is about there are pictures on their website at She is learning Mandarin and so far she is doing great and learning a lot. I have a friend that is helping with the language, it is so fun to see her light up when she can use the Chinese that she knows.

Audrey will be starting school in another week, I am looking forward to her reaction. She will also be in a Mandarin intensive program. Both of the girls will be speaking Chinese before long and I will have no idea what they are saying. Hopefully Beau will be able to keep up with them.

Beau and I recently hiked to the highest point in our area. It was a beautiful hike through lush jungle. We passed a small waterfall and went through areas that were shaded by trees with tropical flowers. I was able to push through despite my fear of coming across a snake or other frightening creatures, and made it to the peak we were aiming for. Later in the day I told one of my friends where we had hiked and she said we were brave to do that during snake season. Holy cow, I couldn't believe it. I am so glad we were safe. There are several highly poisonous snakes in Hong Kong. Not to mention spiders, Beau recently came across a very large spider while hiking near by, he walked into the web and looked up to see a spider that was 5 inches in diameter. I am so glad I wasn't there to see it.

We also recently went to a beautiful beach where wind surfing and kayaking are popular because of the cove that keeps waves relatively low. The next beach outside of the cove is a great place for surfing apparently. It is nice to see some of the more untouched places in HK. Such a contrast from the big city with skyscrapers. Amazing that tropical beaches and lush jungle landscapes are so close to such a huge city.

The first two pictures are the views from our apartment. You can see the mountain that we hiked and Disney land with Central (downtown) in the background. There is a picture of the whole family on a hike and Jorie and Audrey posing with a Dragon boat, there are dragon boat races every year for a festival celebrated in early summer.


HW said...

Thank you for inviting me to see your blog! I had been wanting to keep up on your adventures. Y'all are gorgeous.

Jill said...

Yeah, I found you! I heard you were in HK! How exciting! I loved seeing your pictures, both of the fam and of HK. The girls are so grown up and it's nice to meet Bentz. He's adorable! Best of luck!

The Mitchells